Hardiness: zone 3-10
Spearmint has classic mint flavor, spreads aggressively making a great groundcover. Our variety has a very high essential oil content
Anise hyssop or licorice mint has a delicious flavor, grows tall and clumping, provides very attractive blooms for pollinators
Catnip is a soothing herb for the nervous system, soft and fuzzy leaves, spreads but not as aggressively as spearmint
Bee Balm helps break fevers, offers a soothing tonic to the nervous system, and makes the garden a joy to walk through as you brush past them. Spreads quickly, so be aware.
Plants will ship with enough material to make some divisions at planting, if you’d like. All these beings divide readily from root clumps
Hardiness: zone 3-10
Spearmint has classic mint flavor, spreads aggressively making a great groundcover. Our variety has a very high essential oil content
Anise hyssop or licorice mint has a delicious flavor, grows tall and clumping, provides very attractive blooms for pollinators
Catnip is a soothing herb for the nervous system, soft and fuzzy leaves, spreads but not as aggressively as spearmint
Bee Balm helps break fevers, offers a soothing tonic to the nervous system, and makes the garden a joy to walk through as you brush past them. Spreads quickly, so be aware.
Plants will ship with enough material to make some divisions at planting, if you’d like. All these beings divide readily from root clumps
Hardiness: zone 3-10
Spearmint has classic mint flavor, spreads aggressively making a great groundcover. Our variety has a very high essential oil content
Anise hyssop or licorice mint has a delicious flavor, grows tall and clumping, provides very attractive blooms for pollinators
Catnip is a soothing herb for the nervous system, soft and fuzzy leaves, spreads but not as aggressively as spearmint
Bee Balm helps break fevers, offers a soothing tonic to the nervous system, and makes the garden a joy to walk through as you brush past them. Spreads quickly, so be aware.
Plants will ship with enough material to make some divisions at planting, if you’d like. All these beings divide readily from root clumps